Monday, July 21, 2008

I Will Praise the Lord!

Hello again!!

It's nice to be able to share my testimony with people. I'm not able to attend services but yet God still gives me what I need. OH It's beautiful! I just wanted to share with ya'll the goodness of God.

I was reading the 20th chapter of Acts and it talks about when Paul was preparing to go to Jerusalem. Now I know I'm saved because before I wouldn't have understood what was going on but God has given me an understanding! So Paul was preaching to the disciples before leaving and in the 22nd verse he says, "And now behold, I go bound in the spirit unto Jerusalem, not knowing the things that shall befall me there...(24th verse) BUT NONE OF THESE THINGS MOVE ME, NEITHER I COUNT MY LIFE DEAR UNTO MYSELF, SO THAT I MAY FINISH MY COURSE WITH JOY..." Oh wow! The things that I've been going through and yes, I think about it constantly. What's goin to happen now? what are they going to do? and so on and so forth But God told me in this scripture- I may not see what the future of next week or next month holds but regardless let NONE OF THESE THINGS MOVE ME! Right after I read this scripture (of which I kept goin over and over) the song came on and it said, " I will praise the Lord, No matter what tomorrow brings or what it has in store, I know I will praise the Lord.

That's all that God wants from me. To put EVERYTHING in HIS hands. Make up in my mind that no matter what happens it wont move me, neither I count my life dear unto myself, so that I may finish my course with joy. No matter what comes my way with God's grace I'm going to give him praise for it!

I hope I was able to get that out the way I felt it. I pray that it was a blessing to ya'll as it was to me. Keep me in your prayers!

Love ya'll bunches!!


Elizabeth said...

Thank God Trese! Such a blessing! I am praying for you, please keep me in your prayers as well. Luv ya!

bellemj said...

cute pic. miss ya lots. stay encouraged. i think you should just tell God the exact time you want to move back home...and leave it in his hands. that way we can get this thing going...:) it really does work. luv.